Thursday, January 26, 2017

USB Config & Pi Zero

I spent some time this morning putting together this picture that defines  the USB configurations and pinouts for various USB types.  The reason for this is that I want to make a Pi Zero CCTV using the popular motionEye software.  I have made several using the Raspberry Pi 3 but am finding it too expensive for what application I am applying.  Now, if I were using 2,3 or 4 CCTV then It would be a good deal to use the Pi 3.  However, for a single CCTV it is too expensive.  To this end, I may need to add a USB hub to the Pi Zero so I bought some tiny hubs on a single PCB this morning.  It has 4 USB A Standard size with 1 microUSB B.  All for $3.78 each and no shipping.

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