Friday, July 22, 2016

Hot & Sleep

It has been in the low 90's for the past 3 days.  This is unusual up here in the North Country.  The situation is expected to persist for several more days.  For the bigger cities there is an ozone action with the appropriate warnings. I included the chart so as to give you and idea of what is going on.

Here is what the Weather Forecast says:

Dangerous heat and humidity in the central U.S. this week; spreading to the East Coast by the weekend

Hot and very humid conditions will push the heat index to well over 100 degrees across a large portion of the central U.S. this week. Excessive Heat Warnings and Heat Advisories are in effect for much of the Plains, Miss. Valley, Midwest and southern states. The heat will spread eastward by this weekend. Be very cautious if you must do outdoor activities here during the afternoon and evening.

After two days on the road which were sleep deprived, I finally got a goods night sleep.  All this was land based, of course, since I sleep on the water much better than on the land.  I surmise that this is the case because when the boat rocks it rolls the body and no pressure points develop on OLD joints. SMILING. However, all this said, I did take a 12 ML shot of Benedryl before going to bed and about 2330 hrs EST.

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