Friday, February 19, 2016


Gary arrived the other day with his boat and we got him in the water ok.  This morning he arrived at Holland Marine service for a quick two hours and a local tour of boat ramps.  Due to a leak around his retractable keel trunk he decided to cut short his visit and return to Governor Creek boat ramp and beach the boat while we loaded it on the trailer.  It was good to visit him and his overnight on Black Creek was a good one he said. He is now on his way back to Orlando area.

It was a most beautiful day with nice easterly breezes and brilliant sun.  Later in the day, near sundown, we went to have a small glass of wine with our friends on Mañana.  The temperatures dropped with the sun and we quickly chilled and are now on the boat warming up.

Earlier in the day we did a quick epoxy job on the split wood cap rail near the port chainplate. Tomorrow we hope to more or less finish this detailing by scabing in new pieces of wood that will make it look good.

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