Time is approaching to go down to the boat for the first post buy visit. Every night is filled with dreams of doing this and that on the boat. Interspersed with good and neutral dreams come the nightmares.
Last night started neutral and pretty soon became a nightmare when, at launch, water started leaking in via the prop shaft packing gland at increasing rates and the slings had been released. I was searching around for the bilge pump switch and could not find it. In a panic, I called the former owner but he did not answer. The launch crew were trying to get the straps back in place and a mechanic came rushing out with the proper tools to tighten the gland nut - then I woke up and all became normal except I really could not remember where the bilge pump switch was located.
Being wide awake I started thinking about the simplest of functions like charging the batteries by connecting up a temporary 120VAC 20A circuit to the shore power line. Then I thought of taking off the winter cover and stowing it. And then came re-installing the dodger and cockpit canvas. On and on it goes as I try to play a chess game In absentia. The bottom line is I cannot wait to get there to figure out all this stuff :)
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