Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 6: GCS

Today started like the days before.  Sort of sleepy, casual breakfast and then a trip to the clubhouse to make coffee.  After that, things sort of went into super motion and here it is time for lunch and I have done nothing except chat with the other sailors.

I guess I should not have said I have accomplished nothing but to as much as I dreamed about the night before.  I have these dreams about work to be done on the boat.  They are clear, precise dreams.  Then I awake and all the dreams evaporate into nothingness since I cannot remember them.  I am left with an empty day.

I did research and found the old supplier I used to replace EPIRB batteries. Unfortunately, I did not remember the prices correctly and I was "sticker shocked" to the point I called them to see if I remembered incorrectly.  I guess I remembered incorrectly.  Bottom Line: EPIRB battery replacement is $250± but that is half the price of a new one. I need to order new fire extinguishers, CO detectors and smoke alarms for the boat too.  This is one item that may not wait since it is a critical safety item.

Yesterday, SAM & I talked with Tom about the bad deck paint job.  It is so bad that it called question into my mind if this guy is as good as his reputation and prices justify.  He said he would fix it but he is charging by the hour so what does he care?  One can only hope that he is like I am with my customers - a complain gets fixed for free.  It may be a satisfactory transaction or it may be an expensive but valuable lesson.  Time will tell on that one.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 5: GCS

Much the same today with breakfast and off to the boat to do some more clean up.  Checked out the systems again this AM.  SAM is sweeping up the sand that has been tracked in by us and others.  To-do tomorrow is to check out the battery charging circuit so I can plug Inspiration II in and get the batteries up and ready: NOTE TO SELF - check the battery state before plugging in the charger.

SAM is washing clothes this afternoon and I am ordering a manual that I think I need that relates to the boat.  We have noticed a definite increase in traffic and people rolling in for the season.  The weather has been quite good and we need to turn on the RV air-conditioner so that Abby does not over heat while we are doing other things.

As soon as SAM finished the clothes we need to go to the post office to mail this letter that has a check to pay for the manual.  I really cannot believe that people still do not use Paypal and credit cards.  Oh well, perhaps it is a tax thing.  Moore later.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 4: GCS

Another perfect day but a bit hot at 85F.  SAM had doggie duty this AM so I went to the boat and putzed a bit then had a self-made lunch with a  quick bite of hard cheese, pepperoni on a bit of bread.  This afternoon we went to the storage unit to deposit more items and further reduce the clutter of the vehicles.

I have spent a lot of time on the internet to look up parts and parts suppliers.  Then current fuel hookup is via tank to filter to generator and propulsion engines. It is a two micron filter so I feel a little exposed in that if it plugs the neither the engine nor the generator will function.  I am proposing to put in redundant filters.  More on this tomorrow as I am metaphorically going to sleep on the job here in Fl.

Day 3: Green Cove Springs

We have been here at the boat now for about three days.  Enroute we had a brake failure in Tennessee and were there two days waiting for the truck to be fixed: we spent some time exploring Knoxville and found to be interesting but one has to search out things to do,  We went downtown to the 1982 Worlds Fair site and walked the park and climbed the big sun ball. We are now living in the truck camper and it is not real comfortable.

Inspiration II is still in the yard and we visit daily and do small items.  Mostly we have slowly unloaded all the items we think we will need down here this winter. This is pretty boring reading. Somewhere we lost a day as we thought it was Saturday and it was really Sunday.  We have met several sailor couples at the club house. Yesterday I re-tightened the belts on the generator and propulsion engines. Now I have to check the oil and figure out how to work the oil change/drain pumps. It is complicated without the boat in the water but that will be in December.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Nightmares et. al.

Time is approaching to go down to the boat for the first post buy visit.  Every night is filled with dreams of doing this and that on the boat.  Interspersed with good and neutral dreams come the nightmares.  

Last night started neutral and pretty soon became a nightmare when, at launch, water started leaking in via the prop shaft packing gland at increasing rates and the slings had been released.  I was searching around for the bilge pump switch and could not find it.  In a panic, I called the former owner but he did not answer.  The launch crew were trying to get the straps back in place and a mechanic came rushing out with the proper tools to tighten the gland nut - then I woke up and all became normal except I really could not remember where the bilge pump switch was located.

Being wide awake I started thinking about the simplest of functions like charging the batteries by connecting up a temporary 120VAC 20A circuit to the shore power line.  Then I thought of taking off the winter cover and stowing it.  And then came re-installing the dodger and cockpit canvas.  On and on it goes as I try to play a chess game  In absentia.  The bottom line is I cannot wait to get there to figure out all this stuff :)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Trials, Tribulations and Indiana

The past couple of weeks have been trying.  For several months I have had a cyst on my eye - not the eyelid variety but right on the eye - and the Doctor recommended it be removed.  Last Monday it was removed and it was not a pleasant experience requiring five stitches.  So, this week was spent sitting in the darkened room, applying a thick ointment and listening to music, books on tape plus Pandora music and minimal computer work.  Today the stitches came out and there was instant relief and renewed vision.  Life is good again.

Today I listened to the podcast on in which SV Delos was featured.  It was a long podcast but I was entranced through the whole thing.  Previously, I had watched the complete Youtube series of svdelos.  What a group.  Many of the videos are pretty good and there is enough lost that the imagination fills in the glamorous extras.  The podcast fills in the human and financial aspects.  Watch all the Youtube videos (approximately 20) and if you like them then go to the podcast.  I wish I could join them in our boat s/v Inspiration II.  Alas, time and human frailties may not permit.

 I spent the afternoon working on the IRLP node for Inspiration II.  Details are discussed in the link above so I will not repeat here.

As I close this log, I will say that the direction of particular blog will be to document sailing and water related adventures, great and small, and our Tumblr blog will be more practical ship specific items related to the operation, maintenance and systems of s/v Inspiration II.