Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Fall Day

It is Fall in Indiana.  Preparation is being made for the fall of the leaves, Thanksgiving with the family and s/v Inspiration II.  In a previous post I described the putting to bed of Little Yellow, our 16' American Fiberglass sailboat.  So here I sit on this exceptionally beautiful Fall Indiana day writing, looking outside and listening to my IRLP node 8783.  Soon I will go down to the lake to move things around and bringing out of the leaf vacuum that does a pretty good job of sucking up the partially mulched leaves the mower blades try to chop up. After that comes a followup appointment to the eye doctor to have a look at my allergy prone eyes.

The garden is almost bare now and only the Brussel Sprouts remain viable but there are a few kale leaves that survive.  The new 500W dehydrator just arrived and I cannot wait to try it out.  This may make its way to the boat so we can have some goodies down there this winter and make the place smell real good.  I just talked with W3RX down there and told him I have the merchandise he bought from W9LKI.  Now I have to try and get a hold of  KG4LMP to see what he is up to these days. Moore later people.

Sleeping Bear Dunes our old sailing grounds

The video does not do justice to the area we used to sail.  It is even more beautiful.  Be prepared to stay for days as summer storms roll through but there is plenty to do close by Leland, Frankfort and Traverse City.  We have traded this for Florida as we find our summer home precious and want to be there in the summer but yet enjoy the heat of Florida's winter.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Shipboard email account

All emails to me must be as follows if I am to pick them up at sea:
User Name:  k9cwm@winlink.org
white Subject Line: //WL2K ( Must start with) If you do not do this then emails will bounce as the server thinks it is spam.
Here is an example of what I receive:
Message ID: L738B6MMNQK5

Date: 2014/09/07 01:33
From: csjmoore@gmail.com
To: K9CWM 
Source: SMTP
Subject: //WL2K tHIS IS A TEST


Saturday, September 6, 2014

email at sea

All emails to me must be as follows if I am to pick them up at sea:

User Name: k9cwm@winlink.org

Subject Line: Must start with //WL2K space and then the real subject.

If you do not do this then emails will bounce as the server thinks it is spam.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Drum Roll - Inspiration II

Ok, just received the photos of Inspiration II from Signs by Dillon.  We think it looks good and we especially like the stern. Now I wonder what the bow Port side looks like.  A little more suspense since he did not send the picture.  Perhaps it is not finished?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Labor Day & Little Yellow

Labor Day has come and gone and with its passing the "end of the season" is upon us.  To that end I removed the sails from LY and all the gear except the sponge, paddle and the motor.  I will take her for one more trip around the lake on motor and then haul her for storage in the designated spot in the barn.  A good bottom cleaning is instore for her too.  It will be a real gas to get her out of the water and it may entail decoupling the trailer to push it out farther than the truck can go even with the 10' 2x12 planks (to keep the rear wheels from sinking into the muck).  If it goes smoothly then you will hear no more but if not prepare for a page full of details.

From the cockpit of a C-310R in a former life

The new Craftsman metric wrenches came in today.  These are larger sizes needed for the Irwin 43 MkIII engine work.  I started arranging for the SAE tools bag and the metric tools bag that are soft sided (Harbor Freight 12" style)  so I can grab either bag depending on what I am doing.  The soft sided bags will not mar the gelcoat or sole of the boats.  While at HF I bought one of those 12" diameter 15" deep duck bags with the rope handles to hoist tools up the mast while I work on items aloft..  I am also starting to arrange all the electronic parts I want to take with us when we start our journey.  I'll report more on that in my electronics and system blog at http://watermanwater.tumblr.com/ .

The picture is from an era past while I was flying a C-310R eastward towards New Hampshire one morning and I was over Lake Erie (and Canada as I remember).