I watch and occasionally contribute to various sailing vblogs like RAN, SV Delos, Gone with the Wynns, Expedition Drenched, Free Range Sailing, Adventures of an old Seadog and several others of subject interest like Sailing Uma and Emerald Steel.
From what I observe it is becoming increasingly difficult to carve out a niche that generates interesting content. Combine that with all the long term sailing vblog'ers that are having families , I expect a shakeout in coming years.
Over the last year or two I have become interested in narrow boating and watch 4 or 5 of the main vbloggers that make good videos. A while back I was enamored with narrow boats and even did tentatively plan a trip to UK and renting a NB for a couple of weeks. However, I am admitting that the phase has passed. The real reason was the diluting of interest due to the NB vblogs: The realism and pitfalls of piloting a NB has reduced my ardor for the whole process. Still, it still remains an interest that might be rekindled.
As exists right now, we are in an RV in the American south and it is raining outside and overcast grey with ±8°C outside - winter has set in for the Texas, Alabama & North Florida areas so we have to enjoy the sun in cooler temperatures sans shorts, Tee's. Jeans and long sleeve shirts plus jackets outside are de rigour.